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To meet growing needs in hazards monitoring and response, the WIFIRE Lab is an all hazards knowledge cyberinfrastructure, becoming a management layer from the data collection to modeling efforts. We have the only integrated infrastructure that can provide this capability right now and it can be a neutral data resource/partner to any proposed activity. We add value to the raw data and prepare the best data in real-time for any monitoring and modeling effort (along with our own dynamic data-driven models) for research and operational use.

The WIFIRE Lab in this capacity is a consortium of UC San Diego organizations and a number of partnerships including the university collaborators, industry partners, fire departments, utilities, State’s CalOES and CPUC.


The WIFIRE Lab in this capacity is a consortium of UC San Diego organizations and a number of partnerships including the university collaborators, industry partners, fire departments, utilities, State’s CalOES and CPUC.

The WIFIRE Lab in this capacity is a consortium of UC San Diego organizations and a number of partnerships including the university collaborators, industry partners, fire departments, utilities, State’s CalOES and CPUC.

Our Partners

The WIFIRE Lab in this capacity is a consortium of UC San Diego organizations and a number of partnerships including the university collaborators, industry partners, fire departments, utilities, State’s CalOES and CPUC.