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Fire Modeling

  • R.R. Linn, S.L. Goodrick, S. Brambilla, M.J. Brown, R.S. Middleton, J.J. O'Brien, J.K. Hiers, QUIC-fire: A fast-running simulation tool for prescribed fire planning, Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 125, 2020, 104616, ISSN 1364-8152,


  • Mélanie Rochoux, Cong Zhang, Michael Gollner and Arnaud Trouvé "Designing the Future of Wildfire Modeling." Wildfire magazine (March-April 2017)


  • Cong Zhang, Mélanie Rochoux, Wei Tang, Michael Gollner, Jean-Baptiste Filippi, and Arnaud Trouvé (2017). "Evaluation of a data-driven wildland fire spread forecast model with spatially-distributed parameter estimation in simulations of the FireFlux I field-scale experiment." 12th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Lund, Sweden.


  • Wei Tang, Daniel J. Gorham, Mark A. Finney, Sara Mcallister, Jack Cohen, Jason Forthofer, and Michael J. Gollner (2017). "An experimental study on the intermittent extension of flames in wind-driven fires." 12th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Lund, Sweden.


  • Cong Zhang, Mélanie Rochoux, Annabelle Collin, Wei Tang, Michael Gollner, Evan Ellicott, Philippe Moireau, and Arnaud Trouvé (2017) "Front Shape Comparison in Data-Driven Wildland Fire Spread Simulations. " 10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, College Park, Maryland.


  • Cong Zhang, Mélanie Rochoux, Wei Tang, Maria Theodori, Michael Gollner, and Arnaud Trouvé (2016) "Field-Scale Validation of Data-Driven Wildland Fire Spread Simulations." 5th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, Portland, Oregon.


  • Cong Zhang, Mélanie Rochoux, Wei Tang, Michael Gollner, Jean-Baptiste Filippi, and Arnaud Trouvé (2017). "Evaluation of a data-driven wildland fire spread forecast model with spatially-distributed parameter estimation in simulations of the FireFlux I field-scale experiment." Fire Safety Journal, in press.


  • Mélanie Rochoux, Annabelle Collin, Cong Zhang, Arnaud Trouvé, Didier Lucor and Philippe Moireau (2017). "Front shape similarity measure for front position sensitivity analysis and data assimilation." ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys (submitted).


  • Wei Tang, Daniel J. Gorham, Mark A. Finney, Sara Mcallister, Jack Cohen, Jason Forthofer, and Michael J. Gollner (2017). "An experimental study on the intermittent extension of flames in wind-driven fires." Fire Safety Journal, in press.



  • Tang, W., Miller, C., Gollner, M., Local flame attachment and heat fluxes in wind-driven line fires, In Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Available online 21 June 2016, ISSN 1540-7489, doi:10.1016/j.proci.2016.06.064.


  • C. Zhang, M. Rochoux, W. Tang, M. Gollner, A. Trouve, Field-Scale Validation of Data-Driven Wildland Fire Spread Simulations, In 5th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, 2016.


  • Tang, W., Miller, C., Gollner, M., Forward Heating in Wind-Driven Fire Spread, In 5th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, 2016.


  • Miller, C.H., Tang, W., Verma, S., Trouve, A., Gollner, M.J. (2015). A fundamental exploration of Flame Structure in Wildland Fires, In 5th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, 2016.


  • Miller, C.H., Tang, W., Verma, S., Trouve, A., Gollner, M.J. (2015). A fundamental exploration of Flame Structure in Wildland Fires, In 6th International Fire Ecology & Management Congress, 2016.


  • Gollner, M., Trouve, A., Altintas, I., Block, J., de Callafon, R., Clements, C., Cortes, A., Ellicott, E., Filippi, Jean Baptiste, Finney, M., Ide, K., Jenkins, Mary A., Jimenez, D., Lautenberger, C., Mandel, J., Rochoux, M., and Simeoni, A., Towards Data-Driven Operational Wildfire Spread Modeling: A Report of the NSF-Funded WIFIRE Workshop, 2015. [PDF]