Business Wire: CENIC Recognizes Technology Projects to Combat California Wildfires
Automated Scalable Detection of Location-Specific Santa Ana Conditions from Weather Data using Unsupervised Learning
Nguyen, M., Crawl, D., Li, J., Uys, D., Altintas, I., Automated Scalable Detection of Location-Specific Santa Ana Conditions from Weather Data using Unsupervised Learning, In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
A Dynamic Data-Driven Predictive Wildfire Modeling and Visualization Environment
Crawl, D., Block, J., Lin, K., Altintas, I., Firemap: A Dynamic Data-Driven Predictive Wildfire Modeling and Visualization Environment, In Proceedings of the Workshop on Urgent Computing (UC) at the 17th International Conference on Computational Sciences (ICCS 2017), 2017.
An Unsupervised Deep Learning Approach for Satellite Image Analysis with Applications in Demographic Analysis
Jessica Block, Mehrdad Yazdani, Mai Nguyen, Daniel Crawl, Marta Jankowska, John Graham, Tom DeFanti, and Ilkay Altintas, An Unsupervised Deep Learning Approach for Satellite Image Analysis with Applications in Demographic Analysis, In the thirteenth IEEE eScience conference, 2017.
Forward Heating in Wind-Driven Fire Spread
Tang, W., Miller, C., Gollner, M., Forward Heating in Wind-Driven Fire Spread, In 5th International Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, 2016.
Data Assimilation of Wildfires with Fuel Adjustment Factors in FARSITE using Ensemble Kalman Filtering
Srivas, T., de Callafon, R., Crawl, D., Altintas, I., Data Assimilation of Wildfires with Fuel Adjustment Factors in FARSITE using Ensemble Kalman Filtering, In Proceedings of the Workshop on Data-Driven Computational Sciences (DDCS) at the 17th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2017), 2017.
An experimental study on the intermittent extension of flames in wind-driven fires
Wei Tang, Daniel J. Gorham, Mark A. Finney, Sara Mcallister, Jack Cohen, Jason Forthofer, and Michael J. Gollner (2017). "An experimental study on the intermittent extension of flames in wind-driven fires." 12th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Lund, Sweden.
Evaluation of a data-driven wildland fire spread forecast model with spatially-distributed parameter estimation in simulations of the FireFlux I field-scale experiment
Cong Zhang, Mélanie Rochoux, Wei Tang, Michael Gollner, Jean-Baptiste Filippi, and Arnaud Trouvé (2017). "Evaluation of a data-driven wildland fire spread forecast model with spatially-distributed parameter estimation in simulations of the FireFlux I field-scale experiment." 12th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, Lund, Sweden.
Designing the Future of Wildfire Modeling
Mélanie Rochoux, Cong Zhang, Michael Gollner and Arnaud Trouvé. Designing the Future of Wildfire Modeling. Wildfire Magazine (March-April 2017)